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A avid fan and blogger of all things regarding Apple and Freemasonry.

Monday, October 5, 2009

All the "Guess My Degree" clues in one spot......

There are all the clues in one spot to review...........I'll post a spot on Facebook on Oct. 6th where you can post your "guess"


Clue #30: FINAL CLUE...Harry Houdini, John Glenn, and I will have this in common......

Clue #29: Many brothers but only a very few sisters...

Clue #28: For this degree, I haven't stepped one foot on a college.........

Clue #27: Combine a navigational device, a shape, & a letter.....& it's STILL not what it seems

Clue #26: I have "accepted" the fact that this degree was nearly "free".......

Clue #25: Lots of 3's involved.


Today is my 37th birthday and a week from now on Oct 7th , I will reveal my "Guess My Degree" answer by changingmy Facebook page.....;-)

Clue #24: The setting of the cornerstone is vital.

Clue #23: A continuous increase of light as I go....

Clue #22: Last night, along with 5 others, was the last bit of education before our degree.

Clue #21: #121

Clue #20: Lots of landmarks created

Clue #19: The working tools are not what they seem.......

Clue #18: over 5 million of the like worldwide

Clue #17: 1st, 5th, 7th, 11th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 29th, 32rd, 33rd, 36th, 38th

Clue #16: I should have my "Master" degree by Nov 4th.

Clue #15 Bro.

Clue #14 G

Clue #13: Irving Berlin would be pleased.

Clue #12: Mozart would be pleased.

Clue #11: 2 more degrees to follow after my initial one.

Clue #10: 8 others will get there degree that night too...right here in Queensbury.

Clue #9: EA.

Clue #8: Been around since the early 1600's.

Clue #7: Has a certain "ring" to it....but not yet.

Clue #6: The moon will be full on Oct 6th.

Clue #5: Navigational device.

Clue #4: Level

Clue #3: Its the oldest known of it kind.

Clue #2: A craft.

Clue #1: A square

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